On behalf of the GROW team, we would like to thank you all for your support in 2017. Working together, the G21 region achieved:
- 70 signed up to the GROW Compact (click here to see who is involved)
- 10 Compact Action Plans published on the website with 30 others in progress (click here for more details) outlining how GROW signatories are taking action within their organisations
- 9% shift in local procurement = $23.8 m based on 2015/16 data (click here to read more)
- 72 job opportunities (including trainee/apprenticeships) in GROW signatory organisations, with GROW target communities (hear some stories here)
- Launched the Regional Shared Measurement dashboard at our May Report Card event (view it here)
- Supporting demand led employment in GROW target communities (find out more here)
And we have lots of exciting plans for 2018!
In the meantime, we wish you all a very merry festive season, and a happy and prosperous New Year.