About Brand Bureau
Brand Bureau is a multi award-winning agency, delivering advertising, marketing and public relations services to diverse organisations across Australia. Even though they are a small, family business they subscribe to the belief that alleviating disadvantage is everyone’s responsibility.
Commitment to sourcing locally
Brand Bureau are unashamedly pro-Geelong and provide local suppliers with opportunities to supply to their business and to their clients whenever possible, including printing, merchandise, telecommunications, accounting, legal, videography, photography, stationery, business equipment and office suppliers.
Supporting socially
Brand Bureau source products and services from organisations who, in turn, deliver a direct social outcome. Examples include partnering with a local Australian Disability Enterprise to procure catering and mail distribution solutions, and with local schools to provide work experience opportunities for young people to expand their horizons and understand their potential.
Brand Bureau also provide over $30,000 pa of pro bono services to Give Where You Live, and help a range of other not for profits including Hope Bereavement and KidsPlus.
Positive outcomes
The result of Brand Bureau’s focus on supporting local and social procurement is three-fold:
- For the social enterprises and the local commercial businesses, Brand Bureau’s support helps them achieve their broader objectives
- For Brand Bureau clients, influencing their future purchasing decisions can support both the local businesses and social enterprises and the client’s corporate social responsibility focus
- For Brand Bureau, knowing that they are doing their small bit for the local community gives staff a sense of pride and purpose, which in turn elevates loyalty and productivity. In addition, supporting both local and social procurement has positive implications for brand awareness and perception.
Future focus
By signing the GROW Compact, Brand Bureau hope to continue to develop and formalise commitment to local and social procurement. “By doing so we can show others – particularly SMEs – that a business does not need to be large to help our community.”