This story about being inclusive is from Narelle Arthur, Engagement Coordinator from My Maintenance Crew, a social enterprise of Diversitat.
My Maintenance Crew (MMC) is a social enterprise offering services in general maintenance, cleaning and general landcare for residential, commercial and government clients. We provide employment for young people who can’t otherwise get their foot in the door. Whether that is because of generational unemployment or lack of licences many young people lack the experience necessary to find meaningful work resulting in many becoming quite isolated from their community…
We help them get the experience and support they need within the first six months of work with us to be able to transition to other employment.
Built reached out to GROW to fill a new cleaning role at the Geelong clinic extension. We met with Leah the GROW Employment connector; talked about their needs and she facilitated a meeting with the site manager. We were awarded the daily site cleaning for the length of the building project starting Sept 2020 finishing April 2021.
Through that opportunity we expanded on that work – gaining a month of builder’s cleans and further jobs with Built as a company. MMC have worked with multiple GROW signatories including Norris Group, Baptcare, COGG, Surfcoast Hire, GForce, Genu, Hanlon, Worksafe, Fulton Hogan, John Holland, Barwon Water, South Western Alliance and GWYLF.
The result being more employment opportunities and pathways for young people. We’ve been able to provide more than 1000 hours of employment with the Built contract alone. The knock-on effect of these employment opportunities isn’t just increased self-esteem and confidence for the individual but the broader impact for the young person’s family and their renewed access to their community. One group of young men found each other at work and have gone onto create a basketball team together. All of them have gone onto other employment as a result of being given the chance. GROW signatories help make this happen.
Photo displayed is Naomi Bavington and Brianna Ure.
26th April 2021