GROW Start-Up Review


An external review of GROW was undertaken by Clear Horizon Consulting, reflecting on the activities and outcomes of the GROW initiative during the start-up phase. Whilst the review reflected on past achievements, the main focus was to support forward thinking and planning, to build on success and develop insightful solutions to move past the challenges.

Due to the collective nature of GROW, the inclusive process of this review was critical. It was important that Compact Signatories and key stakeholders had a voice within the review process and that recommendations and solutions were co-created. By adopting a co-evaluation approach, the review celebrated and acknowledge the significant contribution and achievements across the GROW collective.

The summary and full reports from the review are both available below:

 Summary Report – GROW Start-Up Review                                                                  Full Report    – GROW Start-Up Review









This report reflects the collective effort and commitment of Compact Signatories, key stakeholders and partners within the GROW initiative. Over 200 key stakeholders gave us their valuable time and feedback throughout the review, by participating in focus group discussions, surveys and interviews. Thank you to all those who provided their time and energy.