GROW is excited to announce a new partnership with local startup, Localised, to launch the G21 Region local supplier portal.
Developing a region-wide supplier portal is a key recommendation of the GROW Regional Action Plan and GROW is excited to be partnering with a local Geelong business to deliver on this action.
Every year billions of dollars are leaving our local economy because of the lack of visibility between local buyers and local suppliers and the lack of capability in local supply-chains.
Localised is designed to respond directly to this challenge.
By helping private, government and not-for-profit buyers discover and connect to B2B suppliers across the G21 Region, Localised will build the capacity of local suppliers and retain more procurement spend locally.
Ultimately this partnership is about supporting GROW’s mission to leverage the region’s procurement spend to create more jobs and economic opportunity across the community – including the region’s most vulnerable.
The Localised platform will be launched at the end of 2016, and GROW partners are encouraging G21 businesses to get involved.