Priority Groups

GROW signatories help people looking for work who have barriers to employment either by giving them jobs or buying from businesses who do.

We consider barriers to employment to be any challenge that may prevent a person from getting or keeping a job. Many individuals who face barriers want to work and are fully capable for doing so, but barriers they face may prevent them from getting the opportunity to show their talents.

  • Person with a disability, including mental illness
  • Residing in a low socio-economic area with limited employment opportunities (people from GROW target postcodes)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
  • Long-term unemployed people – people who have not been employed for 6 months or more excluding people undertaking studies
  • Disengaged youth – people aged 15 to 24 years not studying and seeking full-time work
  • Young People – at risk under the age of 25 years
  • Single parents – sole parents that are responsible for dependent or non-dependent children of any age
  • Migrants – people who leave their country voluntarily to commence living in Australia and not in sustainable employment for period of 12 months or more